2024 Ride to Defeat ALS - Post Event Survey


User Response

05/07/2024  User Provided No Response
03/29/2024  test
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
05/06/2024  User Provided No Response
05/06/2024  User Provided No Response
05/06/2024  User Provided No Response
05/14/2024  User Provided No Response
05/29/2024  I did not attend the in-person event this year and, therefore, did not experience lunch, but I can't skip question 15. So, please disregard that response.
05/13/2024  We need to improve our marketing for this event. We need more riders and we definitely need more corporate sponsors. Asking our friends and neighbors for $100-$200 each year isn't going to get it done. We have a great foundation - beautiful routes, lots of support - we can handle 300 riders easily. How do we get there??
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response