2024 Ride to Defeat ALS - Post Event Survey


User Response

05/07/2024  I think we need to reconsider the minimum fundraising requirement. I had several friends that told me that they would love to be a part of the ride but feel that having to pay to ride and fundraise for a disease they have no connection to is a bit much.
03/29/2024  test
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
05/29/2024  I would recommend skipping the DJ in the future. He was so loud people sitting next to each other could hardly carry on a conversation. I'd also recommend limiting the number or routes to four. Some routes had a very small number of participants.
05/06/2024  The route signage was severely lacking, especially when the different routes converged. Directional turns need to be spray painted on the road, color code the routes by distance--every other organized ride I've ever done does this. Make gps directions available so they can be downloaded in advance. We got to one intersection and there were three different arrow signs but no clue which distance was supposed to turn where and the police officer didn't know. We missed the first turn at the start of the ride because there was no signage.
05/06/2024  Definitely needed to have spray painted arrows in addition to the signs! Some signs fell over and couldn't be seen. Having spray painted arrows (with different colors for diff routes) would have been useful as a back-up (and is usual practice for rides like this). Rain doesn't wash it away easily, so don't worry about that! Also, the signs at some points had different directions without any designation of which route (the 25K vs. the 100K for example) went with which arrow...next time, signs with diff colors for each route are helpful.
05/06/2024  Late notice and some distinct challenges this year.
05/14/2024  User Provided No Response
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
05/13/2024  Website was challenging, lacking biking information. (Gravel routes added very late). Event day was well supported - lots of friendly volunteers! Rest stops were good - friendly volunteers again. Overall experience was great. Lunch was OK; perhaps add a salad option to the pizza; nice to have beer tickets!!
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response